1326AB-B720E-21 额定转速为3500 RPM 伺服电机
1326AB-B720E-21伺服电机是一款额定转速为3500 RPM的Allen-Bradley伺服电机。它是作为 Allen-Bradley 1326AB 系列伺服电机的一部分设计和制造的。1326AB 系列伺服电机的应用包括金属成型、包装、汽车和机床应用。1326AB-B720E-21 伺服电机在 380 伏和 460 伏交流电下分别提供 3000 和 3500 RPM 的转速。其他电机规格包括每英寸电机扭矩 27.3 磅、6.8 千瓦功率输出和 0.14 lb-in-s2 转子惯量。1326AB-B720E-21 伺服电机设计用于 Allen-Bradley 1394 电机控制系统。该电机可与 2 个不同的 1394 轴模块一起使用。使用 Allen-Bradley AM50 和 AM75 模块,电机在一英寸的稳态失速扭矩上提供 273 磅,而 AM50 模块的最大失速扭矩为每英寸 518 磅,使用 AM780 模块时为每英寸 75 磅。使用 AM50 和 AM75 模块,1326AB-B720E-21 伺服电机可提供 17.5 安培的连续失速电流,而 AM50 模块的最大失速电流为 33.2 安培,AM75 模块的最大失速电流为 50 安培。
1326AB-B720E-21伺服电机的机械规格包括194毫米的框架直径,20毫米的磁铁堆长和102磅的电机重量。伺服电机还提供 IEC 72-1 公制法兰和基于旋转变压器的反馈。Allen-Bradley 建议 1326AB-B720E-21 伺服电机应在电机周围空气温度不超过 104 华氏度的环境中运行。电机可以垂直向下或向上安装轴。1326AB-B720E-21伺服电机的挤压铝制外壳使其具有更好的传热性能。电机的环保等级为IP65。

1326AB-B720E-21 额定转速为3500 RPM 伺服电机
The 4119A is a functional safety certified rod lock designed to provide a reliable, proven safety solution for machine manufacturers. This lever lock is particularly suitable for emergency stop and precision hold applications, meeting the safety needs of a wide range of industrial automation and control systems.
The 4119A has a number of significant features and benefits. First of all, it uses a spring joint, air release design, and is compatible with most air cylinders, circular shafts and tracks. This design allows the rod lock to operate stably and reliably in a variety of working environments. Second, the 4119A is rigorously certified to ISO 13849-1, including Categories B to 4 and PLa to PLe performance ratings, which further demonstrates its superior safety performance.
In addition, the 4119A rod lock also performs well in functional implementation. It guarantees precise positioning and provides precise clamping when performing other operations. The rod lock does not cause any rod displacement when engaged and has an extremely low backlash, making it ideal for precision applications. The large clamping surface provides uniform force to the connecting rod contact area at each engagement, ensuring consistent performance. Since it is spring-engaged, it can operate even in the event of power failure, which greatly improves the safety of the operator and the machine.
In terms of safety, the 4119A also performs well. The use of multiple springs ensures reliable performance and redundancy, while fast response times improve positioning accuracy. In addition, the rod lock has an operating mode sensor for engaging or disengaging, which further enhances its safety and reliability.
Overall, the 4119A is a powerful, high-performance safety certified rod lock for a wide range of industrial automation and control systems that require high reliability and safety. By providing reliable safety solutions, it helps to ensure the safety of machines and operators, increase productivity and reduce failure rates, thereby creating greater value for businesses.
IC690USB901 | FC-TSAO-0220M | CC-TDIL11 | GPU-3 | XVME-956/900 |
EC7890A1011 | FC-TSDI-1624 | MVI69-DFNT | AAI543-H50 | XVME-956/412 |
FC-QPP-0001 | FC-SDOL-0424 | IC693ALG442C | PLX51-DF1-ENI | CE4003S2B6 |
DSAI130 | 1783-BMS06SGL | 5441-693 | 369-HI-R-M-0-0-H-E | CE4005S2B4 |
57120001-P | IS215UCVEM06A | 200350-02-00-CN | SR469-P5-HI-A20-E-H | 3500/53-01 |
ALARM-UNIT AL8-2 | IMFEC11 | IC693MDL930G | CANopen_ADAPTER V5.0_A01 | 80190-580-01-R |
MVI46-MNET | 3300/36-14-12-02-02-00 | MVME162P-344S | 03ZSTI-00-501-RS | 2711-B6C10 |
2711-T10C20L1 | 51304419-150 | DS3815PAHB1A1A | PUIM V2.0 | TC514V2 |
1769-L16ER-BB1B | 2711P-T10C22D8S | CC-PDIH01 | DUDT_DETECTION_V2.0_A01 | 3BSE013281R1 |
DKC11.3-100-7-FW | 5202-DFNT-MCM4 | 330130-045-01-00 | 03ZSTJ0-00-201-RS | PM654B |
DSTC190 | 5202-MNET-MCM4 | MVME162-510A | 350-9301007768-320001 C | 3BSE010535R1 |
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