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CFP-1804 以太网/串行背板 要将 I/O 模块链接到输入信号或外部负载

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CFP-1804以太网/串行背板 (部件号: 779490-01) 可安装在面板上或常规 19 英寸机架中。在使用这些安装程序之前,用户应从模型背面记下序列号。重要的是要记住,如果用户将 UL 认可的 I/O 模块与 Compact FieldPoint 系统一起使用,那么他们必须将整个系统安装在适当额定值、UL 认证的 NEMA 或 IP 外壳中。为保证最高的冷却效率,用户应安装紧凑型 FieldPoint 系统,使 I/O 模块通风口位于顶部和底部。该设备的通信速率为 10 Mbps、100 Mbps 和自动协商速率。

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SKU: CFP-1804

基本细节:CFP-1804 以太网/串行背板 要将 I/O 模块链接到输入信号或外部负载

CFP-1804以太网/串行背板 (部件号: 779490-01) 可安装在面板上或常规 19 英寸机架中。在使用这些安装程序之前,用户应从模型背面记下序列号。重要的是要记住,如果用户将 UL 认可的 I/O 模块与 Compact FieldPoint 系统一起使用,那么他们必须将整个系统安装在适当额定值、UL 认证的 NEMA 或 IP 外壳中。为保证最高的冷却效率,用户应安装紧凑型 FieldPoint 系统,使 I/O 模块通风口位于顶部和底部。该设备的通信速率为 10 Mbps、100 Mbps 和自动协商速率。
4 插槽 cFP-1804 背板能够将紧凑型 FieldPoint I/O 模块连接到高速以太网或 RS-232 串行端口(可使用 9 针 D-SUB 公对母直插电缆进行链接)。要在以太网或串行网络上使用设备,必须首先使用测量和自动化浏览器(MAX)工具进行配置。要将 I/O 模块链接到输入信号或外部负载,用户必须为背板上的每个 I/O 型号安装 cFP-CB-x 连接器模块或其他连接附件。用户可以使用每个 I/O 型号插槽右侧的连接器插座。用户应小心,不要在通电时安装或取出连接器块或其他连接附件。该设备具有 10BaseT 和 100BaseTX 以太网网络接口,并与 IEEE802.3 兼容。
CFP-1804使用FieldPoint软件运行,该软件与LabVIEW、LabVIEW实时模块、LabWindows/CVI、Measurement Studio或VI Logger等软件包/应用开发环境(ADE)兼容。您选择的 ADE 应安装在 FieldPoint 软件之前。
用户可以将National Instruments CFP-1804背板连接到以太网和/或RS-232网络。此外,用户还可以通过将至少两台NI cFP-1804仪器连接到用户的PC来构建基于PC的分布式I/O和控制系统。该设备重 2 磅。


The CFP-1804 Ethernet/Serial backplane (Part number: 779490-01) can be mounted on the panel or in a regular 19-inch rack. Before using these installers, the user should write down the serial number on the back of the model. It is important to remember that if a user uses a UL-approved I/O module with a Compact FieldPoint system, they must install the entire system in an appropriately rated, UL-certified NEMA or IP housing. To ensure maximum cooling efficiency, users should install a compact FieldPoint system with I/O module vents at the top and bottom. The device has communication rates of 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and auto-negotiated rates.
The 4-slot cFP-1804 backplane is capable of connecting compact FieldPoint I/O modules to high-speed Ethernet or RS-232 serial ports (which can be linked using a 9-pin D-SUB male-to-female in-line cable). To use a device on an Ethernet or serial network, it must first be configured using the Measurement and Automation Browser (MAX) tool. To link an I/O module to an input signal or external load, the user must install a cFP-CB-x connector module or other connection accessory for each I/O model on the backplane. Users can use the connector socket on the right side of each I/O model slot. Users should be careful not to install or remove connector blocks or other connection accessories while powered on. The device has 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet network interfaces and is compatible with IEEE802.3.
The CFP-1804 runs with FieldPoint software, which is compatible with software packages/application development environments (ades) such as LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-time Module, LabWindows/CVI, Measurement Studio or VI Logger. The ADE you select should be installed before FieldPoint software.
Users can connect the National Instruments CFP-1804 backplane to Ethernet and/or RS-232 networks. In addition, users can build PC-based distributed I/O and control systems by connecting at least two NI cFP-1804 instruments to the user’s PC. The device weighs 2 pounds.




手机: + 86 18005021035







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