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5136-RE2-PCI  WOODHEAD 接口卡

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产品型号 5136-RE2-PCI

适用行业 电厂钢厂水泥厂船舶造纸


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5136-RE2-PCI是由信实电气为PC计算机制造的接口卡。此接口卡具有PCI计算机在Reliance DCSNET或远程l /0网络上充当插入的功能。该卡包括网络通信和远程1/0软件,并提供高速链路,避免了RS232串行连接的瓶颈。该接口卡的可能应用包括系统编程功能、统计过程控制 (SPC/SQC)、过程监控、操作员界面和 HMI、诊断以及系统启动和调试。


从单售32位PC卡具有两个后置同 (BNC 连德器。此卡的天寸为42英 ) X875英寸(宽)该卡要 +5545 mA 型值率,储在度在-40到 186%间作温度必须保持在 32到 127°下之间。存储温度可能较低,因为设备在存期间未运行,因此不会产生同热量。一旦加载了远程/0软性,该接口卡就同以监远程/0网络上的所有乐降,以主站发送到以站的出数据,并监控每从丢线发送到生站的数,AUtMax信程执行软件 33更高版本)允PC算外,(安装有以口卡直接车到 Relance DS网络,并以全络速度执,行所有在线编程终端功能


The 5136-RE2-PCI is an interface card manufactured by Reliance Electric for PC computers. This interface card has the capability of a PCI computer acting as a plug in on Reliance DCSNET or remote l /0 networks. The card includes network communication and remote 1/0 software, and provides a high-speed link that avoids the bottleneck of RS232 serial connections. Possible applications of the interface card include system programming functions, statistical process control (SPC/SQC), process monitoring, operator interface and HMI, diagnostics, and system start-up and commissioning.
Sold from a single 32-bit PC card with two postsets (BNC connector). The card is 42 inches (42 inches) X875 inches (wide) The card should have a +5545 mA type value rate and must be stored at a temperature between 32 and 127° at a degree between -40 and 186%. The storage temperature may be lower because the device is not running during storage and therefore does not generate the same heat. Once the remote /0 flexibility is loaded, the interface card monitors all the data on the remote /0 network, the outgoing data sent from the master station to the other station, and monitors the number of data sent from the dropped line to the primary station, AUtMax process executive software 33 and higher) allows PC,(with the installed interface card directly to the Relance DS network, And at full network speed, line all online programming terminal functions


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