BENTLY 133442-0全球领先的智能机器人独角兽企业,思灵机器人近日宣布成功收购了机器人技术公司Franka Emika。Franka Emika成立于2016年,总部位于德国慕尼黑,专注于机器人技术的尖端研发。该公司曾被德国《时代》杂志评选为50个创新项目之一,并荣获德国未来奖及创新奖。
不过,在2023年8月25日,慕尼黑地方法院对Franka Emika发出了初步破产管理的命令。现在,思灵机器人的收购已得到Franka Emika的债权人委员会的批准,尽管交易双方选择对交易的具体细节保密。
BENTLY 133442-0此次收购的完成,意味着思灵机器人将为Franka Emika的上百员工提供持续的商业发展、产品开发及研发项目的支持。
思灵机器人的创始人兼全球CEO陈兆芃表示:“思灵机器人对Franka Emika的收购为整个行业释放了一个强有力的信号,我们期待与Franka Emika团队携手打造工业5.0的未来。此次收购将加速思灵机器人的全球增长战略,增强公司团队的创新能力、技术驱动力、产品商业化能力以及客户服务能力。这项交易不仅提升了思灵机器人的行业竞争力,更能使整个行业的客户从中获益。”
BENTLY 133442-0 Siling Robotics, the world’s leading intelligent robot unicorn, recently announced the successful acquisition of robotics technology company Franka Emika. Franka Emika, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Munich, Germany, focuses on cutting-edge research and development in robotics. The company was selected as one of the 50 innovative projects by the German magazine Time and won the German Future Award and the Innovation Award.
However, on August 25, 2023, the Munich District Court issued a preliminary receivership order against Franka Emika. Now, the acquisition of Siling Robotics has been approved by Franka Emika’s creditor committee, although the parties have chosen to keep the exact details of the deal private.
BENTLY 133442-0 The completion of the acquisition means that Siling Robotics will support Franka Emika’s hundreds of employees in ongoing business development, product development and research and development projects.
Chen Zhaopeng, founder and global CEO of Siling Robotics, said: “The acquisition of Franka Emika by Siling Robotics sends a strong signal to the entire industry, and we look forward to working with the Franka Emika team to build the future of Industry 5.0. The acquisition will accelerate Siling Robotics’ global growth strategy and enhance the team’s innovation capabilities, technology drivers, product commercialization capabilities and customer service capabilities. This transaction not only enhances the industry competitiveness of Siling Robotics, but also benefits customers across the industry.”