VME7865RC V7865-23003 350-9300007865-230003 M单板计算机(Single-Board Computer, SBC)是一种将所有必要的计算机硬件组件集成在单个电路板上的微型计算机。它通常不包括键盘、显示器、鼠标或其他外部设备,但这些设备可以通过适当的接口(如USB、HDMI、以太网等)连接到单板计算机上。
Raspberry Pi:这是一个由英国基金会Raspberry Pi Foundation开发的单板计算机,基于ARM架构。它以其紧凑的尺寸、低廉的价格和强大的功能而广受欢迎,被广泛应用于教育、物联网、机器人等领域。
BeagleBone:这是一个基于ARM Cortex-A8处理器的开源单板计算机,具有高速USB、以太网、HDMI等接口,适用于开发嵌入式应用程序和物联网设备。
PocketBeagle:这是另一个基于ARM Cortex-M0+处理器的开源单板计算机,体积更小,非常适合于可穿戴设备、物联网节点等小型项目。

VME7865RC V7865-23003 350-9300007865-230003 M(2)
VME7865RC V7865-23003 350-9300007865-230003 M Single-board Computer (SBC) is a microcomputer that integrates all the necessary computer hardware components on a Single circuit Board. It usually does not include a keyboard, monitor, mouse, or other external devices, but these devices can be connected to a single board computer via an appropriate interface (such as USB, HDMI, Ethernet, etc.).
Single-board computers are usually based on some kind of microprocessor or microcontroller, including CPU, memory, storage, I/O interfaces, etc. They are designed to provide a compact, low-cost and fully functional computing platform for a variety of application scenarios, such as embedded systems, industrial automation, robotics, iot devices, learning and education.
Some well-known single board computer platforms include:
Raspberry Pi: This is a single-board computer developed by the British Foundation Raspberry Pi Foundation, based on the ARM architecture. It is popular for its compact size, low price and powerful functions, and is widely used in education, Internet of Things, robotics and other fields.
Arduino: Although Arduino was originally born as an open source electronic prototyping platform, it can also be thought of as a single-board computer. Arduino boards typically contain microcontrollers, digital/analog input/output pins, USB interfaces, etc., and are widely used for rapid prototyping, teaching, and personal projects.
BeagleBone: This is an open source single-board computer based on ARM Cortex-A8 processors with high-speed USB, Ethernet, HDMI and other interfaces for developing embedded applications and iot devices.
PocketBeagle: This is another open source single-board computer based on the ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, which is smaller and ideal for small projects such as wearables, iot nodes, and more.
IC690USB901 | FC-TSAO-0220M | CC-TDIL11 | GPU-3 | XVME-956/900 |
EC7890A1011 | FC-TSDI-1624 | MVI69-DFNT | AAI543-H50 | XVME-956/412 |
FC-QPP-0001 | FC-SDOL-0424 | IC693ALG442C | PLX51-DF1-ENI | CE4003S2B6 |
DSAI130 | 1783-BMS06SGL | 5441-693 | 369-HI-R-M-0-0-H-E | CE4005S2B4 |
57120001-P | IS215UCVEM06A | 200350-02-00-CN | SR469-P5-HI-A20-E-H | 3500/53-01 |
ALARM-UNIT AL8-2 | IMFEC11 | IC693MDL930G | CANopen_ADAPTER V5.0_A01 | 80190-580-01-R |
MVI46-MNET | 3300/36-14-12-02-02-00 | MVME162P-344S | 03ZSTI-00-501-RS | 2711-B6C10 |
2711-T10C20L1 | 51304419-150 | DS3815PAHB1A1A | PUIM V2.0 | TC514V2 |
1769-L16ER-BB1B | 2711P-T10C22D8S | CC-PDIH01 | DUDT_DETECTION_V2.0_A01 | 3BSE013281R1 |
DKC11.3-100-7-FW | 5202-DFNT-MCM4 | 330130-045-01-00 | 03ZSTJ0-00-201-RS | PM654B |
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