基本细节:PXIE-4139 高精度系统源测量单元 具有四象限操作功能
PXle、±60V、±3A直流电、±10A脉冲、40W直流电、100 fA精密系统 PXI源测量单元
PXle-4139是一款高精度系统源测量单元(SMU),具有四象限操作功能,可提供高达40 W的直流电。该模块配有模数转换器,可帮助您以100 fA的电流分辨率执行高精度测量或以高达1.8 MS/s的速度进行采集。该模块还采用了SourceAdapt技术,可根据负载特性调整瞬态响应,从而最大限度提高稳定性和测量精度。PXle-4139适合多种应用,包括集成电路(IC)、电源管理集成电路(PMIC)和射频集成电路(RFIC)等器件以及LED和光收发仪等分立元件的制造测试、板卡级测试和实验室特性分析。
•环境温度1 23°C±5ºC
•当PXI Express机箱有多个风扇转速设置时,将风扇设置为最高转速
PXle, ±60V, ±3A DC, ±10A pulse, 40W DC, 100 fA precision system PXI source measurement unit
The PXle-4139 is a high-precision system Source measurement unit (SMU) with four-quadrant operation that delivers up to 40 W of direct current. The module is equipped with an analog-to-digital converter that helps you perform high-precision measurements with a current resolution of 100 fA or acquisition at speeds up to 1.8 MS/s. The module also uses SourceAdapt technology to adjust transient responses to load characteristics, maximizing stability and measurement accuracy. The PXle-4139 is suitable for a variety of applications, including manufacturing testing, board level testing and laboratory characterization of devices such as integrated circuits (ics), power management integrated circuits (PMIC) and radio frequency integrated circuits (RFIC), as well as discrete components such as leds and optical transceivers.
Unless otherwise stated, specifications are valid under the following conditions.
• Ambient temperature 1 23°C±5 °C
• The calibration interval is 1 year
•30 minutes warm-up time
• Self-calibration within the last 24 hours
•niDCPower aperture time attribute or NIDCPOWER_ATTR_APERTURE_TIME
Properties Set to 2 power line cycles (PLC)
• If the PXI Express chassis has multiple fan speed Settings, set the fan speed to the highest
手机: + 86 18005021035
邮箱: 18005021035@163.com
▲更多相关型号: PXIE-4139 高精度系统源测量单元 具有四象限操作功能
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