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FS-SICC-0001/L10 用于机箱 IO 的系统互连电缆 连接器

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FS-SICC-0001/L10 电缆的一些技术规格:
连接器类型:26 针
工作温度范围:-40°C 至 +85°C
存储温度范围:-55°C 至 +105°C
湿度范围:0% 至 95% RH(非冷凝)

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SKU: FD25FA21B04V R900513266

基本细节:FD25FA21B04V R900513266 用于机箱 IO 的系统互连电缆 连接器

FS-SICC-0001/L10 是一款用于机箱 IO 的系统互连电缆。它是一根 10 米长的电缆,两端各有 26 针连接器。它用于将机箱控制器连接到FTA系统中的远程I/O模块。
该电缆由优质材料制成,旨在承受经常使用 FTA 系统的恶劣环境。它还具有屏蔽功能,可防止 EMI 和 RFI 干扰。

以下是 FS-SICC-0001/L10 电缆的一些技术规格:
连接器类型:26 针
工作温度范围:-40°C 至 +85°C
存储温度范围:-55°C 至 +105°C
湿度范围:0% 至 95% RH(非冷凝)


FS-SICC-0001/L10 电缆是 FTA 系统的关键组件。它负责在机箱控制器和远程 I/O 模块之间传输所有数据和信号。高质量的电缆对于确保FTA系统的可靠性和性能至关重要。
以下是使用霍尼韦尔 FS-SICC-0001/L10 电缆的一些应用:工业自动化、过程控制、楼宇自动化、运输系统、发电、石油与天然气、采矿

FS-SICC-0001/L10 series, system interconnection cable
FS-SICC-0001/L10 is a system interconnect cable for chassis IO. It is a 10-meter-long cable with 26-pin connectors at each end. It is used to connect chassis controllers to remote I/O modules in FTA systems.
The cable is made of high-quality materials and is designed to withstand the harsh environments where FTA systems are often used. It also has a shielding feature to prevent EMI and RFI interference.

The following are some technical specifications of the FS-SICC-0001/L10 cable:
Cable length: 10 meters
Connector type: 26 pins
Shield: Yes
Operating temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
Storage temperature range: -55°C to +105°C
Humidity range: 0% to 95% RH (non-condensing)

The FS-SICC-0001/L10 cable is a key component of the FTA system. It is responsible for transferring all data and signals between the chassis controller and the remote I/O module. High-quality cables are essential to ensure the reliability and performance of FTA systems.
Here are some of the applications that use Honeywell’s FS-SICC-0001/L10 cables: industrial automation, process control, building automation, transportation systems, power generation, oil and gas, mining




手机: + 86 18005021035







▲更多相关型号:FD25FA21B04V R900513266 用于机箱 IO 的系统互连电缆 连接器

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