24VDC输出的完整产品线:从 72W 到960,可用于各种行业,特别是 OEM 领域宽范围 AC/DC 输入,认证非常全,包括 DNV,且 CP-S.1 的 EMC 等级可以安装在船的驾驶室中,全球通用性好效率低为 89%,高为 94%,高效率低功耗,为客户节省运行费用,且符合环保要求
提供 150%的功率裕度,持续时间为 5s,能可靠启动带冲击电流的负载
当输出电压小于 90% 的设定电压时,继电器报警触点会断开,LED 会闪烁,给客户提供明确的信OUTPUT OK’
额定输出电压:24DC,调节范围: 24·· 28 V DC
额定输出电流:3,5,10 ,20点和40
效率从 89%到94%
输出功率裕度150%IN,可持续 5s
宽范围AC和 DC输入,且经过第三方认证

ABB转子反馈板DATX130 3ASC25H214,DATX133 3ASC25H219B,网通信模块,以太网模块,运动控制模块,T-15396237607模拟量输入模块,模拟量输出模块,数字输入模块,数字输出模块,冗余模块,电源模块,继电器输出模块,继电器输入模块,处理器模块。
控制板和控制系统3ASC25H21 ABB 转子反馈板控制系统:理解为多块控制板拼到一起装成的设备,那就是一个控制系统,如3个人就组成了一个群体,3台电脑联在一起,就组成了一个网络一样的意思。控制系统的组成,是设备之间操作更方便,生产设备自动化,节省了人员的操作,提高企业的产能、效率。3ASC25H21 ABB 转子反馈板控制系统用于如下行业: 如工业物联网控制系统、农业物联网控制系统、大型玩具模型控制器、人机界面控制系统、大棚智能温湿度控制器、水肥一体控制系统、PLC非标自动化测试设备控制系统、智能家居控制系统、医疗护理监控系统、MIS/MES车间自动化生产控制系统(推进工业4.0)等
Major advantage
Complete product line of 24VDC output: from 72W to 960, can be used in various industries, especially OEM field wide range of AC/DC input, certification is very complete, including DNV, and CP-S.1 EMC level can be installed in the cab of the ship, global universality is good, low efficiency of 89%, high efficiency of 94%, High efficiency and low power consumption, saving operating costs for customers, and meeting environmental requirements
Provides 150% power margin, 5s duration, can reliably start the load with impulse current
Narrow width saves valuable installation space
When the OUTPUT voltage is less than 90% of the set voltage, the relay alarm contact will be disconnected and the LED will blink to provide the customer with a clear message.
Interest rates
Main characteristics
Rated output voltage :24DC, adjustable range :24 · 28V DC
Rated output current: 3,5,10, 20 and 40
Efficiency goes from 89% to 94%
Output power margin 150%IN, sustainable 5s
Wide range of AC and DC inputs and third-party certified
The module width is very small
ABB rotor feedback board DATX130 3ASC25H214, DATX133 3ASC25H219B, network communication module, Ethernet module, motion control module, T-15396237607 analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output module, redundancy module, power module, Relay output module, relay input module, processor module.
Control board and control system 3ASC25H21 ABB rotor feedback board control system: understand the equipment assembled into multiple control boards, that is, a control system, such as 3 people to form a group, 3 computers together, to form a network. The composition of the control system is that the operation between the equipment is more convenient, the production equipment is automated, the operation of personnel is saved, and the production capacity and efficiency of the enterprise are improved. 3ASC25H21 ABB rotor feedback plate control systems are used in the following industries: Such as industrial Internet of Things control system, agricultural Internet of Things control system, large-scale toy model controller, human-machine interface control system, greenhouse intelligent temperature and humidity controller, water and fertilizer integrated control system, PLC non-standard automation test equipment control system, smart home control system, medical care monitoring system, MIS/MES workshop automation production control system (promote industry 4. 0) Etc
ABB | SK827005 | ABB | O3EC |
ABB | SK827100-AS | ABB | HENF442581R1 |
ABB | UNITROL-1020 | ABB | O3ED |
ABB | UNS0119A-Z,V1 | ABB | O3EEb |
ABB | 3BHE030579R0003 | ABB | HENF318176R1 |
ABB | UFC921A101 | ABB | O3EGb |
ABB | 3BHE024855R0101 | ABB | HENF315118R2 |
ABB | 3ASC25H209 | ABB | O3EHa |
ABB | DATX110 | ABB | HENF315087R2 |
ABB | 3BHL000986P0006 | ABB | O3EId |
ABB | 3BSE008538R1 | ABB | HENF452777R3 |
ABB | 5SHY3545L0009 | ABB | O3ES |
ABB | 3BHB013085R0001 | ABB | HENF445789R1 |
ABB | 3BHE009681R0101 | ABB | O3EX |
ABB | GVC750BE101 | ABB | HENF315845R2 |
ABB | 5SHY3545L0016 | ABB | P3EA |
ABB | 3BHB020720R0002 | ABB | HENF315216R1 |
ABB | 3BHE019719R0101 | ABB | P3EB |
ABB | GVC736BE101 | ABB | HENF315223R1 |
ABB | 5SHY4045L0001 | ABB | P3ECa |
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