369-LO-0-M-F-E-0 电机参数并适应使用中的应用
69-LO-0-M-F-E-0 20-60 VDC 20-48 VAC包括可选计量包可选光纤端口和可选Modbus TCP over Ethernet接口。
369-LO-0-M-F-E-0的额定控制功率为20-60 VDC (20-48 VAC)。该装置有一个可选的计量包、一个可选的光纤端口和一个可选的Modbus/TCP协议接口。该可选计量包提供VT输入,以支持电压和功率元件。这也可以用来计量兆瓦时、赫兹、千伏安、千瓦、伏和PF。

该装置还有一个RS232前面板端口和三个RS485后端口。所有端口都有Modbus RTU协议,标准。前键盘(位于前面板上)可用于输入设定值。也可以使用计算机通过EnerVista 369软件连接输入这些信息。
369-LO-0-M-F-E-0-0 GE 系统模块的一个重要特点就是源码开放,它遵循开放资源软件的原则,用户一次性购买了软件的许可证后,不需要为每一个分发和拷贝另行缴纳任何版权和许可费用。这样大大地降低了设备制造商使用软件后对其产品成本的增加。另一方面,开放源码的软件可允许用户对其软件进行灵活的修改,以适应自己产品或系统的需要。这也是非开放源码软件所无法比拟的优越性。
369-LO-0-M-F-E-0-0 GE 系统模块嵌入式系统开发工具及RTOS平台

369-LO-0-M-F-E-0 motor parameters and adapt to the application in use
69-LO-0-M-F-E-0 20-60 VDC 20-48 VAC includes optional metering pack Optional fiber port and optional Modbus TCP over Ethernet interface.
The 369-LO-0-M-F-E-0 is a version of the General Electric Company 369 motor management relay. This is a digital relay used for the protection and monitoring of mechanical systems and three-phase motors. These systems are designed to “learn” motor parameters and adapt to the application in use.
The 369-LO-0-M-F-E-0 is rated for 20-60 VDC (20-48 VAC) control power. The device has an optional metering package, an optional fiber port, and an optional Modbus/TCP protocol interface. This optional metering package provides VT input to support both voltage and power components. This can also be used to measure megawatt-hours, Hertz, kilovolts, kilowatts, volts, and PF.
The unit also has an RS232 front panel port and three RS485 rear ports. All ports have Modbus RTU protocol, standard. The front keyboard (located on the front panel) can be used to enter Settings. This information can also be entered using the computer via the EnerVista 369 software connection.
The 369-LO-0-M-F-E-0 provides many other options, including enhanced motor learning data, motor start data logging, enhanced event logging, user-defined polling input data, communication loss tripping, and undervoltage automatic restart.
An important feature of the 369-LO-0-M-F-E-0-0 GE system module is open source, which follows the principle of open source software, and users do not need to pay any copyright and license fees for each distribution and copy after a one-time purchase of the software license. This greatly reduces the increase in the cost of the equipment manufacturer’s products after using the software. Open source software, on the other hand, allows users to make flexible changes to their software to suit the needs of their own product or system. This is also an advantage that non-open source software cannot match.
369-LO-0-M-F-E-0-0 GE System module Embedded system development tool and RTOS platform
Embedded processor is a complex high-tech system, it is not easy to master and develop all functions in a short period of time, and market competition requires products to be listed quickly, this contradiction requires that embedded processor can have easy to master and use development tools platform. Increase the return on time invested by users and programmers (ROT1).

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