3511 TRICONEX 脉冲输入模块和基板每个二又戴系统都由=个主处理器MP)模块它们都在一个底板上,每一个MP模块作为一个通道=又载系统,的细节,见第25页。通讯模块及基板通信模块(CM)是一个三对一接口的MPS允许使用行业标准通信协议。一个单一的三又控制器最多可支持两个CM在一个CM底板上CM独立运行。两个CMs可提供几余通信连接或独立的通信端口。详情请参见第27页,模拟输入模块和基板每个模输入(AJ模块有三个独立的通道,分别处理来自现场的模拟输入设备。每人通道传输数据到与通道关联的MP。议员们在通过数据之前对其进行投票到应用程席
3511 TRICONEX 脉冲输入模块每个TMR数字输出模块都有三组隔离的电子设备,称为通道,它们独立接收来自与每个通道相关的MP的数据。这些通道使用获得专利的四路表决器电路对施加于负载的单个输出信号进行表决。这种表决器电路基于并联串联路径,如果三个开关中的两个(通道A和B,或通道B和C,或通道A和C)命令它们闭合,这些路径就会传递功率,四重表决电路在所有关键信号路径上都有多重几余,保证了安全性和最大的可用性,对于每个点,DO模块定期执行输出表决器诊断(OVD)程序。

3511 TRICONEX 脉冲输入模块为了允许在各种多故情况下不受限制的安全运行,OVD检测并报警这些类型的故障:点一所有卡在接通和卡在断开位置的故喧在不到500毫秒内被检测到。开关一检测到所有卡在0n位置或卡在0位置的开关或其相关驱动电路。DO模块包括每个通道的完整、持续的诊断,如果诊断程序在任何通道上检测到道,故喧指示灯会亮起并激活系统警报。故喧指示识别通道故喧,而不是整模块故障,DO模块保证在出现单一故时正常运行,并且在出现某些多重故障时仍可继续正常运行。模块是否支持热备盘模块。每个DO模块都用机械键固定,以防止在已配置的基板中安装不当。
3511 TRICONEX 脉冲输入模块这些底板可用于3401型DO模块:2401型,用于典型应用。2401L型,用于要求积分限流的低电流应用。每个输出都配有一个180欧姆的串联电阳DO外部终端基板,用千高压应用中的继电器输出外部终端面板,或9671-610型DO危险场所外部终端面板.

The 3511 TRICONEX pulse input module and baseboard each dual system consists of = main processor MP) modules, all of which are on a baseboard, and each MP module acts as a channel = remount system, for details, see page 25. The Communication Module and Baseboard Communication Module (CM) is a three-to-one interface MPS that allows the use of industry standard communication protocols. A single triple controller can support up to two CM operating independently on a CM baseboard. The two CMs can provide several communication connections or separate communication ports. For details, see page 27, Analog Input Module and substrate for each mode input (AJ module has three separate channels, each handling analog input devices from the field. Each channel transmits data to the MP associated with the channel. Lawmakers vote on the data before passing it to the application table
3511 TRICONEX Pulse Input Module Each TMR digital output module has three isolated sets of electronics, called channels, that independently receive data from MP associated with each channel. These channels use a patented four-way voter circuit to vote on a single output signal applied to the load. This voting circuit is based on parallel series paths that transmit power if two of the three switches (channels A and B, or B and C, or A and C) command them to close. The quadruple voting circuit has multiple points on all critical signal paths, guaranteeing safety and maximum availability. The DO module periodically executes the Output Voter Diagnostics (OVD) program.
The 3511 TRICONEX pulse input module in order to allow unrestricted and safe operation in a wide variety of conditions, OVD detects and alerts these types of failures: point-to-point all the cards in the on and the cards in the off position are detected in less than 500 milliseconds. Switch 1 Detects all switches or their associated drive circuits stuck at position 0n or position 0. The DO module includes complete, continuous diagnostics for each channel, and if the diagnostics detects a channel on any channel, the noise indicator lights up and activates the system alert. The DO module is guaranteed to operate normally in the event of a single fault and to continue to operate normally in the event of some multiple faults. Module Specifies whether the module supports the hot spare disk module. Each DO module is secured with mechanical keys to prevent improper installation in the configured substrate.
3511 TRICONEX Pulse Input modules These baseboards can be used with Type 3401 DO modules: Type 2401 for typical applications. Model 2401L for low current applications requiring integral current limits. Each output is equipped with a 180 ohm series positive DO external terminal substrate, with relays in kV applications to output the external terminal panel, or type 9671-610 DO hazardous site external terminal panel.

TRICONEX | 3664 | TRICONEX | 4000093-310 | TRICONEX | 8312 |
TRICONEX | 8312 | TRICONEX | 8312 | TRICONEX | 9853-610 |
TRICONEX | 3604E | TRICONEX | 3664 | TRICONEX | 9566-810 |
TRICONEX | 3721 | TRICONEX | 3625 | TRICONEX | 9750-210 |
TRICONEX | 3503E | TRICONEX | 3503E | TRICONEX | 9566-810 |
TRICONEX | 3623T | TRICONEX | 3700A | TRICONEX | 9566-810 |
TRICONEX | 3720 | TRICONEX | 3805E | TRICONEX | 9750-210 |
TRICONEX | 3008 | TRICONEX | 4351B | TRICONEX | 4000093-510 |
TRICONEX | 3101 | TRICONEX | 8312 | TRICONEX | 8110机架 |
TRICONEX | 3401 | TRICONEX | 3721 | TRICONEX | P0914TN |
TRICONEX | 3351 | TRICONEX | 3008 | TRICONEX | FBM230 P0926GU |
TRICONEX | 3201 | TRICONEX | 3501TN2 | TRICONEX | 4351B |
TRICONEX | 8312 | TRICONEX | 3504E | TRICONEX | 3805E |
TRICONEX | 3008 | TRICONEX | 9671-810 | TRICONEX | 4351B |
TRICONEX | 3511 | TRICONEX | 3401 | TRICONEX | 9753-110F |
TRICONEX | 3604E数字量输出卡件 | TRICONEX | 4351B | TRICONEX | 3503E 11000一个 |
TRICONEX | 3503E | TRICONEX | 4210 | TRICONEX | 3721 35000一个 |
TRICONEX | 3704E | TRICONEX | 3504E |
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