
该装置包括两个几余的速度输入,可接受磁传感器、涡流探头或接近探头,它具有模拟输入(8 ),可配置为27种功能中的任何一种。该装置还有另外20个触点输入。这些触点中的前四个触点默认为停机提升速度设定值、复位和较低速度设定值,其他的可以根据需要进行配置,此外,该装置具有两个4-20 mA控制输出和八个Form-C继电器点输出

The 8200-1302 is one of several Woodward 505 digital governors that can be used for steam turbine control. The operator control panel acts as a graphical interface and keyboard to allow turbine adjustment and communication. This can be configured via the Modbus communication port on the device
The 8200-1302 has multiple functions:
. Automatic start sequence for hot start and cold start with temperature input option
Avoid critical speed on a speed belt
. Ten external alarm inputs
Ten external DI trip inputs
. Trip indication of trip and alarm events with relevant RTC time stamps
Dual speed and load dynamics
Peak speed indication of overspeed trip
. Zero velocity detection
. Long range sag
. Frequency dead zone
The unit also provides a normal operation mode, including configuration, operation and calibration modes
The device includes two more speed inputs that can accept a magnetic sensor, eddy current probe, or proximity probe, it has analog inputs (8), and can be configured for any of 27 functions. The device also has an additional 20 contact inputs. The first four of these contacts default to stop lift speed setpoints, reset and lower speed setpoints, the others can be configured as needed, in addition, the unit has two 4-20 mA control outputs and eight Form-C relay point outputs
The front panel of the 8200-1302 includes an emergency trip key, a cell/divide key, an shf key, and the view, Mode, ESC, and home keys. It also has navigation cross keys, soft key commands, and four leds to correlate control and hardware status.
For more information on the use and installation of the 8200-1302, please refer to Woodward’s original documentation.

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