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138607-01 bently 温度监测器

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灵敏度3.94mV/mm/s (1mv /in/s)±。
4.5 Hz至5 kHz (27cpm至3)
6.Hz至2.5 kHz (36cpm至15)
kcpm)±.9 dB。
速度范围127mm /s (5in/s)峰值。
3500 TDI(暂态数据接口)是3500之间的接口监控系统和GE的sstem 1*机城管理软件。的TD结合了3,500 /20机架接口模块RIM)的能力数据收能力的通信处理器,如TDXnet,TD与M系列一起在3500机架的RIM槽中运行监视器(3500/40M,3500/42M等连续采集稳态和态波形数据并将该数据通过以太网链路传递给主机软件(请参阅本文档未尾的兼容性部分。)静态数据捕获是TD的标准配置,但是使用一个可选的通道启用磁盘将允许TD|捕获动态或瞬态数据。的与以前的通信相比,TDI在几个方面进行了改进并将通信处理器功能集成到3500架


尽管TD提供了整个机架通用的某些功能,但它并不是部分关键监控路径,对下常,下常无影响整人监控系统的运行,每3500机架更要一人TD减RIM,它总是占用槽位1电源旁边)。对于三模几余(TMR)应用,3500系统需要一个TMR版本的TD1,除了所有标TD功能外,TMR TDI还执行”监视器通道比较”。3500tmr配置使用监控器选项中指定的设置执行监控器投票,使用在这种方法中,TMR TDI不断地比较二(3)的输出。多余的监视。如果TDI检测到来自其中一个的信息监视器不再等同于其他监视器在配置的百分比内)两个监视器,它将监视器标记为错误,并将事件放置在

本特利内华达提供资产绩效管理解决方案。资产健康管理、资产战略管理和缺陷消除的应用由分析洞察提供支持,建立在全厂状态监测功能之上,现在可以扩展到整个企业。缩小可靠性“目标”与从当前工作中实际获得的差距通常涉及三个关键影响领域:综合服务可帮助客户评估其目标,识别当前运营中的可靠性差距,然后实施适当的纠正措施。本特利内华达产品线以机械状态监测质量而闻名于世。从传感器到连续监测系统,从无线传感器系统到便携式数据采集器和分析仪,处理水和废水处理厂资产所需的一切。而且,所有这些都集中在一个统一的资产状态监测和诊断平台中 – 本特利内华达的System 1软件。还协助客户集成和使用他们已安装的工具,例如计算机化维护管理系统(CMMS)和可靠性软件。


Sensitivity 3.94mV/mm/s (1mv /in/s)±.
4.5Hz to 5 kHz (27cpm to 3)
6.Hz to 2.5 kHz (36cpm to 15)
kcpm)±.9 dB.
– To +7.
Operating temperature range
Speed range 127mm /s (5in/s) peak.
3500 TDI(Transient Data Interface) is the interface between the 3500 monitoring system and GE’s sstem 1* city management software. The TD combines the capabilities of 3500/20 rack interface module RIM) with the data receiving capabilities of communication processors such as TDXnet, Together with the M Series, the TD runs a monitor in the RIM slot of the 3500 rack (3500/40m, 3500/42m, etc.) to continuously collect steady-state and state waveform data and pass this data to the host software over the Ethernet link (see the compatibility section at the end of this document). Static data capture is standard with TDS, but enabling the disk with an optional channel will allow TD| to capture dynamic or transient data. Compared to previous communications, TDI has improved on several aspects and integrated communication processor capabilities into 3,500 units
Although TD provides some functions common to the whole rack, it is not a part of the critical monitoring path, on the lower, the lower usually does not affect the operation of the integrated monitoring system, every 3500 rack more than one TD minus RIM, it always occupies slot 1 power next). For three-mode multiplex (TMR) applications, the 3500 system requires a TMR version of TD1, which performs “monitor channel comparison” in addition to all standard TD functions. The 3500tmr configuration performs monitor voting using the Settings specified in the monitor options, using this method, the TMR TDI constantly compares the output of two (3). Extra surveillance. If TDI detects that the information monitor from one is no longer equivalent to the other monitors within a configured percentage of both monitors, it flags the monitor as an error and places the event on
List of system events.

Bentley Nevada provides asset performance management solutions. Applications for asset health management, asset strategic management, and defect elimination are powered by analytical insights, built on plant-wide condition monitoring capabilities, and can now be extended across the enterprise. Closing the gap between reliability “goals” and what is actually being achieved from current work typically involves three key impact areas: Integrated services help customers assess their goals, identify reliability gaps in current operations, and then implement appropriate corrective actions. The Bentley Nevada product line is world-renowned for the quality of mechanical condition monitoring. From sensors to continuous monitoring systems, wireless sensor systems to portable data collectors and analyzers, everything you need to treat water and wastewater treatment plant assets. And, all in one unified asset condition monitoring and diagnostics platform – Bentley Nevada’s System 1 software. It also assists customers in integrating and using the tools they have installed, such as computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) and reliability software.


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