HIMA F8627X是一种工控控制卡件模块,该模块通常在工业自动化领域中使用。以下是一些可能的产品特点:
高性能控制:HIMA F8627X模块具有高性能的控制能力,可以用于实现复杂的工业自动化系统的控制和监测。
可编程性:HIMA F8627X模块通常支持编程和定制化,使用户能够根据特定的应用需求进行配置和编程。
通信接口:HIMA F8627X模块可能提供多种通信接口,如以太网、串口等,用于与其他设备或系统进行数据交换和通信。

本设备适合安装在Ex-zone 2,参见4.1.5章。
该设备已通过TUV安全相关应用的认证,最高可达SIL 3(EC 61508.IEC 61511EC 62061), Cat,4EN 954-1)和PL e(ENISO 13849-1).
安全相关计数器具有24位分辨率,最大计数器读数为224 – 1(= 16 777 215).

The HIMA F8627X is an industrial control card module commonly used in the field of industrial automation. Here are some possible product features:
High Performance control: HIMA F8627X modules have high performance control capabilities and can be used to achieve the control and monitoring of complex industrial automation systems.
Multifunctional module: The module may have a variety of functions, such as input/output control, data acquisition, signal processing, etc., can be adapted to different application needs.
Programmability: HIMA F8627X modules typically support programming and customization, enabling users to configure and program according to specific application requirements.
Reliability and stability: The module usually has high reliability and stability, can operate stably in an industrial environment for a long time, and meet the requirements of industrial automation systems.
Communication interface: The HIMA F8627X module may provide a variety of communication interfaces, such as Ethernet, serial ports, etc., for data exchange and communication with other devices or systems.
The safety-relevant F35 controller is a compact system housed in a metal housing with 24 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 2 counters and 8 analog inputs.
Controllers are available in 3 models of SILworX and 3 models of ELOPII Factory, see Chapter 3.2, all variants described in this manual.
This device is suitable for installation in Ex-zone 2. See Chapter 4.1.5.
The equipment has been certified by TUV for safety-related applications up to SIL 3(EC 61508.IEC 61511EC 62061), Cat,4EN 954-1) and PL e(ENISO 13849-1).
Further safety standards, application standards and test standards are detailed in the certificate on the HIMA website.
The controller is equipped with 2 independent counters, the input can be configured to 5v or 24v voltage level the required voltage level is determined by the user program with the counter 0x]. 5/24V mode system parameter input A is the counter input, B is the counter direction input, and Z(zero rail) is used for reset. Alternatively, all inputs are 3-bit grey code inputs (in decoder operations), enabling the following modes of operation:
Counter function 1(depending on the input signal in the counting direction)
Counter function 2(independent of count direction input signal)
Decoder operations with absolute rotary transducers are described in Chapter 3.4.4 for counter configuration
The safety-related counter has a 24-bit resolution and a maximum counter reading of 224-1 (= 16 777-215).

HIMA | F7131 981713102 | HIMA | F3237 | HIMA | X-SB01 |
HIMA | X-CPU 01 | HIMA | 984323702 | HIMA | 985210207 |
HIMA | F6217 | HIMA | F3330 | HIMA | F8628X |
HIMA | F7131 981713102 | HIMA | 984333002 | HIMA | 984862865 |
HIMA | F7133 | HIMA | F6217 | HIMA | F8652X |
HIMA | K9203A 996920360 | HIMA | 984621702 | HIMA | 984865265 |
HIMA | F7126 | HIMA | F7553 | HIMA | HIMA-F7126 |
HIMA | F8650X | HIMA | 984755302 | HIMA | HIMA-F7131 |
HIMA | K9202B | HIMA | F8650X | HIMA | HIMA-F8621A |
HIMA | F8650E | HIMA | 984865065 | HIMA | HIMA-F8621A |
HIMA | F35 | HIMA | X-BLK01 | HIMA | HIMA-F8627X |
HIMA | F3 DIO 20/8 02 | HIMA | 632590802 | HIMA | HIMA-F8650X |
HIMA | X-COM01010 985260010 | HIMA | X-DI1601 | HIMA | K9203 |
HIMA | F8652X | HIMA | 985210222 | HIMA | 996920302 |
HIMA | F8652X | HIMA | X-DO1201 | HIMA | K9203A |
HIMA | F8627X | HIMA | 985210204 | HIMA | 996920360 |
HIMA | 1C31227G02 | HIMA | X-FAN1003 | HIMA | EABT3 B9302 997009302 |
HIMA | F3330 | HIMA | 993201013 | HIMA | F3236 |
HIMA | F6705 | HIMA | K9203A 996920360 | HIMA | F3322 |
HIMA | F7133 | HIMA | F8650X 984865065 | HIMA | F6217 |
HIMA | F7553 | HIMA | HIMA F8650X 984865065 |
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