简介:VMIVME-4140模拟输出板提供32个高质量的12位模拟输出通道分辨率高,在+10 V电压下可发出或接收10ma。每一个输出有一个专用的D/ a转换器(DAC)分配给它。模拟输出可以从现场接线断开用于离线测试。校准和自检由VMEbus系统复位或由软件执行命令。在校准过程中,一个偏置和增益表系数被编译并存储在RAM中。有一个条目用于32个信道中每个信道对应的偏置和增益配置在每个六个输出电压范围。“自检”:系统复位后自动运行。自检寄存器指示成功或失败,并且可以指示发生故障的通道。前面板状态指示灯:指示灯在一秒后亮系统复位。成功时,LED灯熄灭完成自检和自动校准。LED也可以在软件控制下开启和关闭。

单相(0到+10V,0到+5V,0到+2.5 v)或双极(+25,5重新或批量端接电缆·从字段连接到脱机n槽一一自我测试+10V)软件可选

Description: The VMIVME-4140 analog output board provides 32 high-quality 12-bit analog output channels with high resolution and can send or receive 10ma at +10 V voltage. Each output has a dedicated D/ a converter (DAC) assigned to it. The analog output can be disconnected from field wiring for off-line testing. Calibration and self-test are reset by the VMEbus system or performed by software commands. During calibration, a bias and gain table coefficient is compiled and stored in RAM. There is an entry for each of the 32 channels corresponding to the bias and gain configurations in each of the six output voltage ranges. Self-check: The system starts automatically after a reset. The self-check register indicates success or failure and can indicate the channel where the failure occurred. Status indicator on the front panel: If the indicator turns on one second later, the system resets. When successful, the LED lights go out to complete the self-test and automatic calibration. Leds can also be turned on and off under software control.
·32 analog output channels
The maximum output current of each channel is 10mA
One 12-bit D/A converter (DAC) per output channel
·0.8Q output impedance
· Random update (non-scanning)
Software or external synchronous update dual buffer output
Single reference potentiometer – No additional manual calibration requirements
Start the automatic calibration command by reset or software
Single-phase (0 to +10V,0 to +5V,0 to + 2.5v) or bipolar (+ 25,5 re-or batch terminating cable · Connect from field to off-line n slot – self-test +10V) software is optional
Discrete wi self-test
– Wide range of on-board diagnostic testing capabilities
One can discon the output
-PMC extends
· Front panel status LED
· Front panel analog output connector
· Front panel reference voltage access
Application program
Data acquisition system
Control system
Precise simulation of stimulus
Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)

ABB | SAM3.0 | ABB | UFC760BE141 | ABB | GFD233A103 |
ABB | SYNCHROTACT5 | ABB | 3BHE004573R0141 | ABB | 3BHE022294R0103 |
ABB | 3BHB006713R0217 | ABB | UFC760BE142 | ABB | 5SHY4045L0001 |
ABB | UNITROL | ABB | 3BHE004573R0142 | ABB | 3BHB018162R0001 |
ABB | 1005-0011 | ABB | UFC762AE101 | ABB | 3BHE009681R0101 |
ABB | ECO | ABB | 3BHE006412R0101 | ABB | GVC750BE101 |
ABB | 3BHE043576R0011 | ABB | 5SHY3545L0009 | ABB | 5SHY4045L0006 |
ABB | XVC768115 | ABB | 3BHB013085R0001 | ABB | 3BHB030310R0001 |
ABB | 3BHB7211R115 | ABB | 3BHE009681R0101 | ABB | 3BHE039203R0101 |
ABB | 1C31169G02 | ABB | GVC750BE101 | ABB | GVC736CE101 |
ABB | 3BHE019719R0101 | ABB | 5SHY3545L0016 | ABB | 81943A041-1 |
ABB | GVC736BE101 | ABB | 3BHB020720R0002 | ABB | CI626A |
ABB | 5SHX1960L0006 | ABB | 3BHE019719R0101 | ABB | 3BSE005029R1 |
ABB | 3BHB016120R0002 | ABB | 3BDH001010R0005 | ABB | DSSR122 |
ABB | 3BHE019719R0101 | ABB | PM864AK01 | ABB | 4899001-NK |
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