HP-17B 是一款带有代数逻辑的袖珍商务计算器。 该型号的键盘外观异常稀疏,只有一个 Shift 键,并且只有大约 40% 的键具有移位功能。 它的大部分功能都在菜单中。 它有一个像 HP-27S 一样的两行点阵屏幕,但它总是在底部显示一个菜单。 (通常是主菜单及其财务、业务、总和、时间和解决子菜单。)
计算器使用了一种带括号(但没有优先级)的代数逻辑形式,其中显示中保留了待处理的操作。 例如,如果用户按下“1+(2×3”),计算器将在显示屏上显示该表达式。按下“)”,计算器将计算括号中的部分并显示 1+6。 但是,与大多数代数计算器一样,大多数一元函数都是后缀 (RPN),因此您仍然键入 5 LOG 而不是 LOG(5)。

尽管它是代数的,但它也有一个四级堆栈,带有上卷和下卷命令(▲ 和 ▼)。 这被称为“历史堆栈”,而 RPN 模型中 X 的等价物被称为“计算器线”。 可以使用 LAST 键将上面级别的数字检索到计算器行上的当前表达式中。
1 基本的四个数学函数加上对数、倒数、阶乘等。(有些隐藏在 MATH 菜单下。)
2 代数求解器。
3 基本业务/财务功能,包括货币时间价值、现金流量、债券、折旧业务百分比等。
4 基本统计。
5 时间和约会。
6 一个蜂鸣器,在约会和可选的错误时发出蜂鸣声。
7 红外打印。
8 6.7K 字节的用户内存。

The HP-17B is a pocket business calculator with algebraic logic. The keyboard looks unusually sparse, with only one Shift key, and only about 40% of the keys have a shift function. Most of its functions are in the menu. It has a two-line dot-matrix screen like the HP-27S, but it always displays a menu at the bottom. (Usually the main menu and its Finance, Business, Sum, Time, and Resolution submenus.)
Algebra (with stack)
The calculator uses a bracketed (but not prioritized) form of algebraic logic where the operations to be processed are reserved in the display. For example, if the user presses “1+(2×3”), the calculator will display the expression on the display. Press “) “and the calculator will calculate the part in parentheses and display 1+6. However, as with most algebraic calculators, most unary functions are suffixes (RPN), so you still type 5 LOG instead of LOG(5).
Although it is algebraic, it also has a four-level stack with up-roll and down-roll commands (▲ and ▼). This is called the “history stack,” and the equivalent of X in the RPN model is called the “calculator line.” You can use the LAST key to retrieve the number from the upper level into the current expression on the calculator row.
Other features include:
1 Basic four mathematical functions plus logarithm, reciprocal, factorial, etc. (Some are hidden under the MATH menu.)
2 Algebraic solvers.
3 Basic business/financial functions, including time value of money, cash flow, bonds, depreciation business percentage, etc.
4 Basic Statistics.
5 Time and date.
6 A buzzer that buzzes during appointments and optional errors.
7 Infrared printing.
8 6.7 KB of user memory.

ABB | PCD235B101 | ABB | 5SHY3545L0010 | ABB | NDCU-12CK |
ABB | 3BHE032025R0101 | ABB | 5SHY3545L0010 | ABB | OCAH |
ABB | PFEA111-20 | ABB | 3BHB013088R0001 | ABB | 940181103 |
ABB | 3BSE050090R20 | ABB | 3BHE009681R0101 | ABB | OCAHG |
ABB | PPC902AE101 | ABB | GVC750BE101 | ABB | 492838402 |
ABB | 3BHE010751R0101 | ABB | 5SHX1445H0001 | ABB | OCAHG |
ABB | UBC717AE01 | ABB | 3BHL000391P0101 | ABB | P3ECa |
ABB | HIEE300927R0101 | ABB | 3BHB003230R0101 | ABB | HENF315309R2 |
ABB | UFC718AE01 | ABB | 5SXE05-0152 | ABB | P3EDb |
ABB | HIEE300936R0101 | ABB | AIM0006 | ABB | HENF452778R1 |
ABB | UFC719AE01 | ABB | 2RCA021397A0001P | ABB | P5EAa |
ABB | 3BHB003041R0101 | ABB | COM0011 | ABB | HENF206350R2 |
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