IC695CRU320是PACSystems RX3i产品系列的冗余处理器。该处理器由GE发那科/艾默生自动化制造,被归类为可编程自动化控制器(PAC)。
控制器切换的最大逻辑扫描次数为1次,最小切换时间为3.133 msec。它支持多达IC695RMX128/228的同步链路,能够传输高达2mb的数据。凭借1GHz处理速度和64MB用户内存的赛扬M处理器,该控制器理想地用于具有更高临界级别的大型复杂应用程序。此外,多达512个程序块可以保存到该处理器,每个块的大小可以达到128 KB。
IC695CRU320有两个独立的串行端口和一个英特尔赛扬-M微处理器。它的64 MB非易失性闪存补充了64 MB电池供电的随机存取存储器(RAM)。IC695CRU320还支持本地和远程扩展机架。CPU采用串行背板设计,与90-30系列I/O产品系列中的扩展模块(但不是主机架)兼容。IC695CRU320使用Proficy Machine Edition,通用于所有GE Fanuc控制器的开发环境。

IC695CRU320处理器安装在RX3i背板上,直接连接PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)插槽。其他模块也通过PCI 2.2版本或更高版本连接到总线。这个PCI插槽可以在背板内快速传输和共享数据。IC695CRU320还支持90-30系列I/O模块,用于阶段性迁移。
GE Fanuc IC695CRU320 CPU的电流要求为直流3.3伏时1a,直流5伏时1.2 a。模块上有两个集成串口,分别支持RS-232和RS-485通信。最多支持512个可配置的程序块,其中每个块的大小可达128 KB。闪存的额定寿命至少为100,000次写/擦除周期。切换时间最小为3.133毫秒,最大为1次逻辑扫描。最大传输数据量为2mb。IC695CRU320最多支持2条IC695RMX128/228同步链路,实现冗余备份。IC695CRU320 CPU可以用梯形图、C语言和功能框图三种语言进行编程。通过基于机架的以太网通信模块支持以太网通信。以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景

The IC695CRU320 is a Redundancy Processor from the PACSystems RX3i product family. This processor is manufactured by GE Fanuc / Emerson automation that is categorized as Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).
The IC695CRU320 is especially used in redundant or hot-standby configuration. With this controller configuration, availability is significantly increased. Two (2) controller racks with similar configuration functions as Primary (active) and Secondary (stand-by) rack. When a single rack has failed, primarily due to errors detected by the IC695CRU320 or error of the IC695CRU320 processor itself, active controller duty is automatically transferred to the secondary (stand-by). The secondary rack becomes the primary and the failed rack shift to secondary rack. Additionally, manual switchover is possible.
Controller switchover is performed in Maximum of 1 logic scan with minimum switchover time of 3.133 msec. It supports up to IC695RMX128/228 synchronization links and capable of transferring up to 2Mbytes of data. With the Celeron M processor with 1GHz processing speed and 64MB user memory, this controller is ideally used in large and complex applications with increased level of criticality. Additionally, up to 512 program blocks may be saved to this processor which each block size may reach up to 128 KB.
The IC695CRU320 processor is installed to an RX3i backplane, directly to the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) slot. Other module connections to the bus are also through the PCI 2.2 version or higher. This PCI slot enables rapid transfer and sharing of data within the backplane. The IC695CRU320 also supports Series 90-30 I/O modules for phased migration.
The current requirements for the GE Fanuc IC695CRU320 CPU are 1 Amp at 3.3 Volts DC and 1.2 Amps at 5 Volts DC. Two integrated serial ports are available on the module and they support RS-232 and RS-485 communication, respectively. A maximum of 512 program blocks that are configurable wherein up to 128 KB in size per block are supported. The rated flash memory endurance rating is 100,000 write/erase cycles at a minimum. The switchover time is 3.133 milliseconds at a minimum and 1 logic scan at maximum. The maximum amount of data that can be in transfer at a time is up to 2 MB. The IC695CRU320 CPU supports up to two IC695RMX128/228 synchronization links for redundancy. The programming of the IC695CRU320 CPU can be done in the ladder, C, and function block diagram languages. Ethernet communication is supported through the rack-based Ethernet communication module.

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