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PCH1026 风力涡轮机

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它可以危及风力发电机或造成严重的冲击损害。因此,监视这些组件是一艰巨的任务风力发电机安全链的重要组成部分。的PCH1026振动监测器是专门研制的完成了这项任务,并获得了德国劳埃德船级社的认证根据2010年指南第2.3.2.7和2.3.2.8章并按ISO功能安全标准评定13849-1作为PL= d额定元件。

·通过内置跟踪塔共振频率双波段ZOOM FFT用于监测松动或水泥塔的裂缝。
·提供对读数和配置的完整访问(参数化)通过CANopen, Modbus, Profinet, Profibus或以太网接口,和/或模拟输出把。

PCH1026 风力涡轮机




PCH Engineering has many years of experience designing vibration monitors for wind turbines. The key factor is to use high precision and precision filters, so you monitor what is important and eliminate false alarms. Using monitors from PCH Engineering, you can get maximum protection and high efficiency for your wind turbine in the most critical wind conditions. The different structural frequency components tend to be very tightly distributed on the frequency scale. Therefore, the filter must be highly selective in order to transmit only the frequency component of interest. Simple filters will present problems throughout the frequency range and will not suppress structural resonances at frequencies in the higher frequency range, although they are expected. This can lead to errors or premature alarm downtime. The frequency response is important, but there are also time domain responses, such as time delay, phase and transient responses that are important parameters. PCH Engineering has multiple types and orders of filters to meet the tradeoff between frequency domain and time domain response. All courses in PCH Engineering are selective to pass frequencies derived from structural components of interest within the frequency band and suppress all frequencies of interest outside the frequency band.
Intelligent protection systems can always be trusted from PCH engineering, thus maximizing wind turbine operating time conditions even in the harshest winds.



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ABB 3BHE019719R0101 ABB PM864AK01 ABB 4899001-NK


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