3500/25 改进的键相器模块是一个半高度,2通道模块,用来为3500 框架中的监视器模块提供键相位信号。常用型号有:键相器模块3500/25-01-01-00 149369-01前 125800-01后。
3500/25 改进的键相器模块是一个半高度,2 通道模块,用来为3500 框架中的监视器模块提供键相位信号。此模块接收来自电涡流传感器或电磁式传感器的输入信号,并转换此信号为数字键相位信号,该数字信号可指示何时转轴上的键相位标记通过键相位探头。每个键相模块有2个输入通道,3500 机械保护系统可安装2个键相器模块,接收4个键相位信号。
注: 键相位信号是来自旋转轴或齿轮的每转一次或每转多次的脉冲信号,提供精确的时间测量。允许3500 监测器模块和外部故障诊断设备用来测量诸如1X 幅值和相位等向量参数。
每个键相器模块可接收2 个来自涡流传感器或电磁传感器的信号。输入信号范围为-0.8V到-21.0V(非绝缘I/O 模块)和+5V到-11V(绝缘I/O 模块)。模块内可限幅,使信号不得超过此范围。无源电磁传感器要求轴转速大于200rpm(3.3Hz)。在框架前面板上,通过同轴接头,有2 个缓冲键相位输出信号。2 个缓冲键相位输出同样可在框架背面,通过欧式接头得到。前面板发光二极管 OK 指示灯: 可指示在键相器模块内检测到一个故障。 TX/RX 指示灯: 当键相器模块与框架接口模块(RIM)进行通讯时,发出指示。

The 3500/25 improved key phase module is a half-height, 2-channel module designed to provide key phase signals to the monitor module in the 3500 frame. Common models are: Phase key module 3500/25-01-01-00 149369-01 before 125800-01 after.
The 3500/25 improved key phase module is a half-height, 2-channel module designed to provide key phase signals to the monitor module in the 3500 frame. This module receives an input signal from an eddy current sensor or an electromagnetic sensor and converts this signal into a digital key phase signal that indicates when the key phase mark on the rotating shaft passes through the key phase probe. Each key phase module has 2 input channels, and the 3500 mechanical protection system can install 2 key phase modules to receive 4 key phase signals.
Note: The key phase signal is a pulse signal from the rotating shaft or gear once or multiple times per revolution, providing accurate time measurement. Allows 3500 monitor modules and external fault diagnosis equipment to measure vector parameters such as 1X amplitude and phase.
Each key phaser module can receive 2 signals from eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors. The input signals range from -0.8V to -21.0V(uninsulated I/O modules) and +5V to -11V(insulated I/O modules). The module can be clipped so that the signal does not exceed this range. The shaft speed of a passive electromagnetic sensor must be greater than 200rpm(3.3Hz). On the front panel of the frame, through the coaxial connector, there are 2 buffer keys phase output signals. The 2 buffer key phase outputs are also available on the back of the frame via European joint. Front panel LED OK indicator: indicates that a fault has been detected in the key phaser module. TX/RX indicator: indicates when the key phaser module is communicating with the Frame Interface module (RIM).

GE | H201Ci-1 | A-B | 1761-NET-ENI | BENTLY | 125680-01 |
GE | UR6CH | A-B | 1756-1F16 | BENTLY | 140471-01 |
GE | UR6TH | A-B | 1768-L43 | BENTLY | 3500/42M 140734-02 |
GE | UR6UH | A-B | 1756-L74 | BENTLY | 140734-01 |
GE | UR8LH | A-B | 1756-PB75 | BENTLY | 146031-02 |
GE | UR8NH | A-B | 1756-PA72 | BENTLY | 128229-01 |
GE | UR9EH | A-B | 1756-IM16I | BENTLY | 3500/42M 140734-02 |
GE | URRHH | A-B | 1769-OW8I | BENTLY | 3500/33 |
GE | IC695CPE310-ABAB | A-B | 1769-IQ32 | BENTLY | 3500/50M |
GE | IS215UCVHM06A | A-B | 1756-A13 | BENTLY | 3500/45 |
GE | IS200PMCIH1ACC | A-B | 1756-IRT8I | TRICONEX | 8312 |
GE | IS215UCVHM06A | A-B | 1756-OA8 | TRICONEX | 3664 |
GE | IS415UCVHH1A | A-B | 1756-L71 | TRICONEX | 3625 |

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